Over the coming weeks, a contractor for the Town of Barnstable is scheduled to conduct mark-outs, soil borings, and surveying at various locations within the vicinity of Long Beach Road, Lake Elizabeth Drive, and adjacent neighborhoods. These activities will gather critical information for the design of the Long Beach Area Sewer Expansion Project, which is scheduled to begin construction in Fall 2027 as part of the Town’s Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP).


To facilitate this work, traffic control personnel will accompany the contractor as they perform tests at designated sites within the project area. At times, temporary lane closures with an alternating traffic pattern will be implemented to provide an adequate and safe work zone.


As always, please slow down and use extreme caution when traveling through the road construction areas and follow posted safety and detour signs.


For additional information on this project and the CWMP, please visit BarnstableWaterResources.com, email WaterResources@town.barnstable.ma.us,  or call the Department of Public Works at 508-790-6400.