At the invitation of Representative Kip Diggs, members of the Barnstable Youth Commission, accompanied by Community Services Director Madeline Noonan, Recreation Director John Gleason, and Youth & Family Outreach Coordinator Moriah Becal, visited the Massachusetts State House on Wednesday, May 4th.

Rep Diggs and State Senator Julian Cyr led the group on a tour of the State House, sharing its storied history and engaging with Youth Commission members in a stimulating discussion on local and state politics followed by a Q&A session in the Senate Chambers that covered a wide-range of topics.

The group also had the opportunity to thank Rep Diggs for the $60,000  state ARPA grant he recently secured to fund the important initiatives of the Youth Commission. Thank you to Rep Diggs and Senator Cyr for this valuable and meaningful experience to inform our youth about the importance of civic engagement and for encouraging them to use their voices to advocate for change on issues that impact them and our entire community.

Youth Commission with Reps Diggs aThe Youth Commision in dark blue tshirst posing with Senator Cyr and Rep. Kip Diggs in the State House