The weeks are flying by and the beaches will soon be open. Please be advised that beach stickers are only available for purchase through our on-line portal or through the mail by downloading an application from our website

While there is a 2-3 week turnaround time to process your permit, you can print and use your online

purchase receipt to gain access to beach parking lots. 2020 beach parking permits will be accepted until

June25 .Parkingpermitswillnotbeavailabletopurchaseinpersonbutapplicationscanbepickedup,

filled out, and left in the drop box outside of the Hyannis Youth & Community Center at 141 Basset Lane, Hyannis. Our staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM to assist you with any questions or concerns. Stay well and enjoy your upcoming summer months. See links below.

Resident and/or Taxpayer Seasonal and Weekly Landlord