The December 5, 2024 Meeting of the Barnstable Town Council was conducted in person. The public was able to attend in person or participate remotely in Public Comment or during a Public Hearing via Zoom. The public was able to view the meeting on Barnstable Government Access Xfinity Channel 8 or 1070 or in High Definition on Xfinity Channel 1072 or via the live stream through the Town website. Town Council Vice President Craig Tamash chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order. Vice President Tamash announced that President Felicia Penn and Councilor Gordon Starr have joined the meeting via Zoom and that since there would be Councilors participating via Zoom all votes would be roll call votes. Town Clerk Ann Quirk took the Roll Call.


Town Councilor Kris Clark introduced retired U.S. Coast Guard Captain Greg Ketchen and a resident of Osterville to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Captain Ketchen is a volunteer at the Coast Guard Heritage Museum located in Barnstable’s Old Customs House and has served as its president for the past six years. Before moving to the Cape thirteen years ago, Greg’s career included providing support to Massachusetts’ commercial ports as a development consultant, heading operations at the New England Aquarium, and filling a wide variety of Coast Guard jobs. These included performing duties at Coast Guard Headquarters in Washington, completing assignments as chief oceanographer for the International Ice Patrol and on the faculty of the Coast Guard Academy, and serving as commander of Coast Guard Group Boston and a NATO station in Italy. He has completed graduate studies in both Physical Oceanography and Business Administration.  He is a frequent lecturer on a variety of topics related to Coast Guard missions and history. The Coast Guard Heritage Museum occupies the historic 1856 U.S. Custom House in Barnstable Village on a campus that also includes the oldest surviving wooden jail in the United States (circa 1695) and an operating village blacksmith shop. The museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and celebrating the Coast Guard’s rich history. Capt. Ketchen also announced that a maritime artist has been commissioned to create an 8’ x 8’ painting commemorating the Coast Guard that will be installed in the State House in the Fall of 2025.


Vice President Tamash asked all to remain standing for a Moment of Silence for those who are near and dear to us and those who have served our country.


Town Councilor Matthew Levesque recused himself prior to the Executive Session of the meeting.


Vice President Tamash moved to go into executive session pursuant to G.L. c. 30A, sec. 21(a)(6) to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property since a discussion in open session may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town and Town Council.  Identifying the property in question would compromise the purpose for which the executive session is being held, and, therefore, that information is being withheld.  The Town Council will return to public session after the executive session.


After discussion, the Town Council voted to go into Executive Session.


The Town Council returned from Executive Session and Councilor Levesque returned to the dais.


There was no Public Comment and no need for Council Response to Public Comment.


Vice President Tamash announced that Town Manager Communications for the period of November 20-December 3, 2024 had been pre-recorded by Town Manager Mark Ells and was shown on our Government Access Channel prior to the meeting. The recorded version of Mr. Ells’s Town Manager Communications may be viewed here and the itemized list is shared below:

  1. We continue with the preparation of the Capital and Operating Budget for FY 2026.  FY 2026 budget development is on schedule and following the budget action calendar.  For information on our fiscal year budgets please view the Town’s Open Budget website at
  2. The Finance Department presented the FY 2025 tax levy shifting options in a prerecorded presentation available for viewing on the Town webpage and at the November 7, 2024, Town Council meeting.  The objective of the presentation is to illustrate the impact on tax bills when deciding on a minimum residential factor, commonly referred to as splitting the tax rate, and the adoption of a residential exemption. Property values have been approved by the Department of Revenue (DOR) allowing the Town Council to vote on these two options.  The two votes are scheduled on the December 5th agenda for Town Council action.
  3. As previously stated, a public hearing on changes to various Town of Barnstable permit and program fees for the Community Services Department’s Golf /Hyannis Youth and Community Center Programs, Marine and Environmental Affairs Department’s Marina/Sandy Neck Beach and Recreational Shellfish Programs and the Planning & Development Department’s Parking Management Program that take effect on January 1, 2025 was held on November 12, 2024 at 11:00 a.m.  The hearing can be viewed on Video on Demand ( Those wishing to provide public comment may do so through December 11, 2024.  All comments will be taken under advisement and calendar year rates will be approved as proposed, approved for an amount less than the proposed rate or not approved and remain at current rates.
  4. We encourage residents and visitors to download the MyBarnstable app from the Apple or Google Play store. The app provides updates on a wide range of information in the Town including traffic advisories, election information, and seasonally Sandy Neck off-road availability, beach updates and more.  The more includes reporting a problem such as an enforcement issue or a complaint of most types with the exception of reporting an emergency which we strongly recommend dialing 911.  In addition to Report a Problem there are numerous ways that residents can file complaints including: the town main mailbox  (; the Citizen Resource Line: 508-862-4925; and the Rental Compliance Hotline: 508-504-9779.  It should be noted that it is best for the resident to file the complaint directly rather than having others file it on their behalf to ensure prompt and efficient response. You can communicate with the Town Manager’s Office at 508-862-4610. We will be providing further communication on our advances in better enforcement in Barnstable in the coming months and we look forward to working with our community to maintain our exceptional quality of life here in Barnstable.
  5. On December 3, 2024, the Cape & Islands Bridge Coalition (CIBC) held its quarterly meeting.  The meeting included an updates from the Chairs of the CIBC, a Regional Transportation Planning Update from the Cape Cod Commission, and a discussion with our federal delegation staff on funding for the projects.  Progress continues to be made on permitting and securing funding for the projects.  As part of the Cape Cod Commission staff update they referenced the release of the draft Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) Amendment 2 to the Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2025-2029 TIP for a 21-day public comment period.
  • Amendment 2 included a proposal as follows:  Cape Cod Bridges Program Phase 1 (Sagamore Bridge) $365,420,000 to be programmed in FFY 2025-2029 utilizing Federal Bridge Investment Program (BIP) grant funds with a state match.

FFY 2025-2029 TIP Amendment 2 Handout

Comments regarding TIP Amendment 2 will be accepted through December 9, 2024 by contacting Colleen Medeiros, Transportation Program Manager, as noted below. A virtual public meeting of the Cape Cod MPO is scheduled for Monday, December 16, 2024 at 1:00 PM to hear additional public comments and consider endorsement of FFY 2025-2029 TIP Amendment 2.

The representatives to our federal delegation addressed their understanding of the status of the federal funding for the Sagamore bridge project.  The funding is identified but has not been contracted to the project.  They were cautiously optimistic that the funds will be available to proceed with the Sagamore Bridge project.  The next CIBC meeting scheduled in March 2025.

  1. James Kupfer, Director of Planning and Development, will provide a Housing Report. You may view Mr. Kupfer’s presentation here.


Councilors Betty Ludtke and Paula Schnepp gave kudos to Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer for his Housing Report.


Town Manager Ells came to the podium to respond to Councilor questions.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology report on outcomes of the stakeholder assessment for offshore renewable wind projects

Presenters: Iman Aziz, Archer Thomas

Team members watching via the livestream: Sanjana Paul, Ariel Higuchi, Aruni Ranaweera, Teresa He

Councilors had the opportunity to ask questions.

The PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here.


The Council voted to Act on Public Session Minutes:  November 21, 2024.


Communications from elected officials, boards, committees, and staff, commission reports, correspondence and announcements.


Orders of the Day.



AGENDA ITEM 2025-048 Appointments to a Board/Committee/Commission: Registrar of Voters: Thomas Chartrand, 320 Stevens St, Hyannis, MA 02601.
Presented by Town Councilor Jeffrey Mendes. The item was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-050 Allocation of Tax Levy Fiscal Year 2025 – Tax Factor.

Presented by Assessing Director John Curran. The item was approved.

The PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-051 Allocation of Tax Levy Fiscal Year 2025 – Residential Exemption.

Presented by Assessing Director John Curran. The item was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-054 Authorization of a Housing Development Incentive Program Tax Increment Exemption Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and Crocker Street Holding, LLC for eight (8) new Market Rate Residential Rental Units located at located at 24 and 30 Crocker Street, Hyannis.

Presented by Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer. Developer Jake Dewey was on hand to respond to Councilor questions. The item was approved.


Town Councilors Seth Burdick and Jeffrey Mendes recused themselves from Agenda Item 2025-055.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-055 Authorization of a Housing Development Incentive Program Tax Increment Exemption Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and Spartan Cleaners Realty, LLC for 41 new Market Rate Residential Rental Units located at located at 242 Barnstable Road, Hyannis.

Presented by Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer. Steve Cleary, Director of Management and Administration, Autonomous CRE+, consultant for Spartan Cleaners Realty owners Josh & Tammy Barros, was on hand to respond to Councilor questions. The item was approved.


Town Councilor Paul Neary recuse himself from Agenda Item 2025-056.


Councilors Burdick and Mendes returned to the dais.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-056 Authorization of a Housing Development Incentive Program Tax Increment Exemption Agreement between the Town of Barnstable and Hyannis Harbor, LLC for 85 new Market Rate Residential Rental Units located at located at 201 Main Street, Hyannis.

Presented by Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer. The item was approved.


Councilor Neary returned to the dais.



AGENDA ITEM 2025-059 Authorization to contract for and expend a Fiscal Year 2025 Municipal Local Cybersecurity State Matching Grant in the amount of  $17,743.75 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, Office of Grants and Research for Cybersecurity Improvements.

Presented by Information Technology Director Jim Benoit. The item was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-060 Amending the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 240 Zoning to Revise the Definition of Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and to Revise Use and Dimensional Requirements, Floor Area Definition, and Clarify Parking Restrictions and No Owner Occupancy Requirement for ADUs received a First Reading and was referred to the Planning Board.


Vice President Tamash handed the meeting over to Town Clerk Ann Quirk for the


Town Council Nominations of 2025 Officers



Matthew Levesque (nominated by Paul Neary)

Craig Tamash (nominated by Charles Bloom)


Vice President

Seth Burdick (nominated by Jeffrey Mendes)

Kris Clark (nominated by Betty Ludtke)

Matthew Levesque (nominated by Gordon Starr)


The next regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, December 12, 2024. The public is able to view through Xfinity High Definition Channel 1072 (or Xfinity Channel 8 or 1070) or Live Streaming on the Town of Barnstable’s website. Real-time public comment may be addressed to the Barnstable Town Council utilizing the Zoom video link or telephone number and access meeting code which will be included on the Agenda. Written Comments may be submitted to: The meeting Agenda will be available on