Deadline to Connect Buildings to Public Sewer


  1. Six (6) Month Sewer Connection Deadline:


Section 360-13 of the Town of Barnstable Code requires that the owner of a building on a parcel of land which abuts a public or private way in which there is a public sewer shall connect the building to the public sewer. The Board of Health (“Board”) requires the owner of a building to comply with the Code and connect to the public sewer within six (6) months of the Board’s letter notification if the owner has not yet complied with the Code.


  1. Hydraulically Failed Septic Systems/ (60) Day Sewer Connection Deadline:


The owner of a building on a parcel of land which abuts a public or private way in which there is a public sewer shall connect the building to the public sewer within sixty (60) days if the septic system associated with the building is in hydraulic failure or has otherwise failed within the meaning of section 360-44 of the Town Code.


  1. Extension Requests:


  • The Board authorizes its Director of Public Health or his designee to grant a one-time extension, not to exceed six (6) months to a property owner to connect its building to public sewer provided the owner satisfactorily demonstrates to the Director of Public Health or his designee diligent efforts to comply with the Code. The property owner shall provide supporting documentation (for example, a copy of a signed sewer connection contract with connection schedule, and/or the verification of loan application) prior to obtaining approval for an extension.


  • A property owner who wishes to request an extension for a longer period shall submit its request in writing to the Board. The property owner shall include the reasonable period time being requested and provide supporting documentation (for example, copy of a signed sewer connection contract with connection schedule, verification of loan application, the test results for the last two years of the existing Innovative/Alternative (I/A) system effluent monitoring, and/or financial hardship (see Note 1 below for financial support information)) and shall satisfactorily demonstrate to the Board continuing diligent efforts to comply with the Code. The property owner shall be required to appear before the Board at a public meeting to present its request in person.



  1. Property Owner’s Responsibility/Public Health and Environmental Protection:


Each property owner shall be responsible for ensuring he/she takes proper preventative action steps necessary to prevent a backup of sewage into the building and/or to prevent an overflow of sewage onto the ground surface (for example, by pumping the cesspool/septic system often, daily if necessary).

[NOTE 1:  Financial Support: Homeowners should review the financial support information in the Barnstable   Water Resources page in the Town of Barnstable Public Works website, https://barnstablewaterresources.com). This website provides additional information on sewer assessment, sewer connection and utility Billing. A Homeowner’s Sewer Connection Guide will be available soon from The Town of Barnstable Public Works.] 

[NOTE 2:  Per 310 CMR 15.301(4b):  Inspection of a system is not required at the time of transfer of title of the facility served by the system if the owner of the facility or the person acquiring title has signed an enforceable agreement with the Board of Health to connect the facility to public sewer within two years following the transfer of title, unless a shorter period is required due to the existence of a failed system, due to the age of the system, or due to an environmental variance granted (see bulleted items contained herein) and provided that such agreement has been disclosed to and is binding on the subsequent owner(s].