The March 20, 2025 Meeting of the Barnstable Town Council was conducted in person. The public was able to attend in person or participate remotely in Public Comment or during a Public Hearing via Zoom. The public was able to view the meeting on Barnstable Government Access Xfinity Channel 8 or 1070 or in High Definition on Xfinity Channel 1072 or via the live stream through the Town website. Town Clerk Ann Quirk took the Roll Call. Town Council President Craig Tamash chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order. President Tamash announced that Councilors Charles Bloom, Felicia Penn, and Gordon Starr have joined the meeting via Zoom and that all votes will be roll call.


Town Councilor Betty Ludtke welcomed Paul Niedzwiecki to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Paul Niedzwiecki enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in December 1983. He was sent to Parris Island, South Carolina for basic training where he graduated Honorman. Paul then reported to basic infantry training school at MCB Camp Lejeune, N.C. and upon completion he received orders to report to the Second Marine Force Recon Battalion at Onlsow Beach, Camp Lejeune, North Carolina. Paul received a secondary MOS as a primary marksmanship instructor and was selected to attend scout sniper school at MCB Quantico, Virginia. Paul was deployed three times to Europe, Central America and the Gulf of Arabia served on three different deployments, and left his service with and Honorable Discharge.


President Tamash asked all to remain standing for a Moment of Silence to keep Karen Nober and her family in your thoughts her husband Joe passed away suddenly yesterday and for all those near and dear to you.


President Tamash announced that the Town Council received a number of emails on a variety of issues and that those emails were shared with the full Council.


Next was Public Comment which was followed by Council Response to Public Comment.


The Council voted to Act on Public Session Minutes:  March 6, 2025.


President Tamash announced that Town Manager Communications for the period of March 5-March 18, 2025 had been pre-recorded by Assistant Town Manager Andy Clyburn and was shown on our Government Access Channel prior to the meeting. The recorded version of Mr. Clyburn’s Town Manager Communications may be viewed here and the itemized list is shared below:

  1. We continue with the preparation of the Capital and Operating Budgets for FY 2026. We continue to follow the updated budget action calendar. Submittal of the recommended FY 2026 Capital Budget to Town Council is planned for a first reading on April 3, 2025, followed by hearings planned for the April 17 and May 1 Town Council meetings. The Fiscal Year 2026 Capital Improvement Plan is available on the Town’s website at the link provided below. Printed copies will be available shortly. FY2026-2030 Capital Plan  A Town Manager Fiscal Year 2026 Proposed Fee Hearing was held today, March 18, 2025, at 11:00 AM. Those wishing to provide public comment may do so through April 17, 2025. All comments will be taken under advisement and calendar year rates will be approved as proposed, approved for an amount less than the proposed rate or not approved and remain at current rates. The fiscal year fees take effect on July 1, 2025. For information on our fiscal year budgets please view the Town’s Open Budget website at
  2. The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) has reopened the public comment period on their draft regulations, 301 CMR 52.00, which would implement the Public Lands Preservation Act (a/k/a the Open Space Act). EEA previously held public hearings on December 17, 2024, and January 16, 2025. EEA has scheduled a third virtual public hearing for Wednesday, March 26 at 4:00 PM, and the extended comment period will close at 5:00 PM that same day. Our Legal Department has registered to attend the virtual public hearing on March 26th. More information can be found here on an EEA webpage: Please note that the “February 28, 2025 DRAFT Open Space Act Regulations” posted on the EEA webpage is the same version that was posted for the earlier public hearings. EEA has included on the above-referenced webpage a link to a “Notice to Reviewers.” In this Notice, among other things, EEA asks to hear from the public on two specific topics: (1) where/how EEA proposes that public entities notify the public of a proposed Article 97 Action; and (2) EEA’s online tool for identifying Natural Resource Values under section 52.08 of the draft regulation and other information that could assist EEA in evaluating and determining Natural Resource Values. The Town’s January 22, 2025, comment letter covered the first topic in detail, and Legal does not plan to offer any comments on the second topic.
  3. On Wednesday March 5th, the Barnstable Youth Commission hosted their 9th Annual Job Fair at the Hyannis Youth and Community Center. This year, 38 prospective businesses and an estimated 286 students attended the event.  The Job Fair was a great success, with 17 different schools represented from across the Cape. The largest student participation came from Barnstable High School with over 160 students attending.  The Youth Commissioners did a wonderful job planning and organizing the event and assisting job seekers during the Job Fair.
  4. On Wednesday, March 12th the Barnstable Youth Commission hosted their 11th Annual Youth Summit for 330 Barnstable Intermediate Students.  The event featured speakers Kevin Rosario of Addiction, Consulting and Educational Services and Robert Hackenson of Dynamic Influence.  The speakers advised students about making good choices as they enter high school and educated them about the impacts/effects of drugs and alcohol.  The Summit also featured Barnstable High School National Honor Roll students who discussed what to expect as they transition to high school including academics, athletics, schedules, and homework expectations. A vendor fair took place at Cape Cod Community College for students. Twelve local not-for-profit entities participated in the event discussing and providing information about their programs and forms of assistance that are available.
  5. Town Manager Ells met with the MIT Renewable Energy Facility Siting Clinic team last week for an update on their efforts. The graduate students from the MIT Renewable Energy Facility Siting Clinic, which is a public service center at MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning led by Prof. Larry Susskind and Dr. Jungwoo Chun, are conducting research on the onshore impacts of the New England Wind II Project in Barnstable to understand the full spectrum of community perspectives. The Team will be conducting Office Hours via Zoom every Friday from 2:00-3:00 PM, beginning March 21st. They will be recording an informational video with Barnstable Government Access Television providing more information.
  6. Kelly Collopy, Department of Public Works Communications Manager, provided an update on Water Resources including the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan.
  7. Jim Kupfer, Planning & Development Director, provided an update on the Local Comprehensive Plan and Housing Production Plan.

March 2025

Town Manager Communications: Local Comprehensive Plan

The Town of Barnstable is currently working to update the Town’s Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) which is a long-term vision and growth policy that will guide Barnstable’s future over the next ten years. A full draft of the Local Comprehensive Plan will be posted for review and comment by the end of the month. The draft Plan will be available on the project website via the Document Library page. Hard copies of the draft Plan will also available at each of the Town’s libraries. The public comment period will be open through Sunday, May 11th, 2025. Comments can be submitted online via the project website or dropped off or mailed to: Planning & Development, 367 Main Street, Hyannis, 02601. The comments will be distributed to the Local Comprehensive Planning Committee for review and consideration.


Town staff, together with members of the Local Comprehensive Planning Committee, invite the public to attend one of the upcoming community meetings. Each meeting will include an overview of the draft Local Comprehensive Plan, followed by an open house. Light refreshments will be provided.

  • Tuesday, April 15th at 6pm at the West Barnstable Community Center
  • Wednesday, April 30th at 6pm at Liberty Hall in Marstons Mills
  • Monday, May 5th at 6pm at the Osterville Library *Virtual participation will be provided for this meeting*

The final town-wide community meeting will be held at the Barnstable High School within the Performing Arts Center. Live Portuguese and Spanish interpretation will be available. Additionally, in partnership with Barnstable Recreation, childcare services will be provided for children ages kindergarten through 5th grade including pizza and arts and crafts activities. Please email Kate Maldonado to register for childcare.

  • Thursday, May 8th at 6pm at the Barnstable High School Performing Arts Center (744 West Main Street in Hyannis)


Town Manager Communications: Housing Production Plan

The Town of Barnstable is in the process of updating its Housing Production Plan. A Housing Production Plan (HPP) establishes a strategic plan for production of affordable housing in a community that is based on a comprehensive needs assessment.  A draft Housing Production Plan has been published and can be accessed from the Town’s website via the Planning and Development Department webpage under “Current Projects”.

The Town will be hosting two upcoming public meetings to solicit feedback on this plan:

  • Monday, April 7th at 6pm at Barnstable Town Hall within the Hearing Room
  • Thursday, April 10th at 6pm at the COMM Fire District Building

Public feedback is also encouraged by submitting comments through the Town’s Housing Production Plan webpage or by emailing Jim Kupfer at before Thursday, May 1, 2025.


Assistant Town Manager Andy Clyburn responded to Councilor questions.


President Tamash happily acknowledged the arrival of Mr. Ells’s second grandson Henry. Everyone is doing well.


Communications from elected officials, boards, committees, and staff, commission reports, correspondence and announcements.

Workshop on Stretch Code and Potential Green Communities Designation

  1. Workshop Introduction – Barry Sheingold, Chair, Infrastructure and Energy Committee (IEC)
  2. Green Community Program – Lisa Sullivan, Department of Energy Resources (DOER)
  3. Stretch Code – Mike Rossi, Consultant to DOER
  4. Town of Barnstable Update – Sean Hogan, Barnstable Sustainability Manager
  5. HERS – Chris Mazzola, HERS Rater
  6. The Science – Chris Gloninger, Vice Chair, IEC
  7. Health Impacts – Jane Ward, MD, MPH, Colonel (retired) USAF

The PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here.

The DOER PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here.


Orders of the Day.



President Tamash took AGENDA ITEM 2025-146 out of order.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-146 Authorization to accept a gift from the Boy Scouts of America, Troop #52, and Scout David Ellis of a reflection tree and related items and services to be used to create a designated outdoor reflection area at the Barnstable Police Department Building in Hyannis.

Presented by Barnstable Police Deputy Chief Jennifer Ellis and (no relation) future Eagle Scout David Ellis. The item was approved.


President Tamash requested a motion to move AGENDA ITEM 2025-060 to May 15, 2025 which was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-060 Amending the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 240 Zoning to revise the definition of Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) and to revise use and dimensional requirements, floor area definition, and clarify parking restrictions and no owner-occupancy requirement for ADU’s.


Town Councilor Matthew Levesque recused himself from AGENDA ITEM 2025-083 and left the room.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-083 Appropriation Order in the amount of $160,000 to fund the due diligence efforts needed to assist the Town Council in its evaluation of a potential acquisition by the town of the property located at 0, 167 and 177 Pleasant Street in Hyannis.

Presented by Assistant Town Manager Andy Clyburn. Mr. Clyburn said that Mr. Ben Baxter and Mr. Sam Baxter were in attendance should the Town Council have any questions. Mr. Clyburn also recognized Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer, Town Engineer Griffin Beaudoin, Town Architect Mark Marinaccio, and Director of Asset Management David Anthony. Mr. Kupfer and Mr. Beaudoin provided additional rationale for the item. Sam Baxter and Ben Baxter addressed the Council’s questions. First Assistant Town Attorney Tom LaRosa responded to Councilor questions. The item was approved.

The PowerPoint presentation may be viewed here.


Town Councilor Felicia Penn left the meeting. Town Councilor Matthew Levesque returned to the dais.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-140 Order confirming the longstanding recreational uses of a portion of Wianno Avenue, known as the Wianno Avenue Town Landing, and dedicating the town landing to these uses subject to the protections of Article 97 of the amendments to the State Constitution.

Presented by First Assistant Town Attorney Tom LaRosa. The item was approved.


Town Councilor Seth Burdick left the meeting.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-141 Amending the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 121 Licensing to delegate authority to the Town Manager to act on petitions for grants of location for gas lines and associated infrastructure.

Presented by First Assistant Town Attorney Tom LaRosa. The item was approved.


President Tamash requested a motion to move AGENDA ITEM 2025-143 to April 3, 2025 which was approved.

AGENDA ITEM 2025-143 Order approving amendments to the Town Council Rules.



AGENDA ITEM 2025-144 Authorization to contract for and expend a supplemental Fiscal Year 2024 HousingWorks Infrastructure Grant in the amount of $298,200 from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities.

Presented by Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer. The item was approved.


AGENDA ITEM 2025-145 Authorization to contract for and expend a Fiscal Year 2025 Land Conservation Assistance Grant in the amount of $20,000 from the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs to update the Town’s Open Space and Recreation Plan.

Presented by Planning & Development Director Jim Kupfer. The item was approved.


The next regularly scheduled Town Council Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 3, 2025. The public is able to view through Xfinity High Definition Channel 1072 (or Xfinity Channel 8 or 1070) or Live Streaming on the Town of Barnstable’s website. Real-time public comment may be addressed to the Barnstable Town Council utilizing the Zoom video link or telephone number and access meeting code which will be included on the Agenda. Written Comments may be submitted to: The meeting Agenda will be available on the Town of Barnstable’s website (