Town Manager Mark Ells presented his Town Manager Communications for period the December 17, 2021-January 6, 2022:

  1. Andy Clyburn, Assistant Town Manager, shall provide an updates on our continuing efforts to manage COVID related issues and on the Rental Registration Program.
  2. An update on the Superintendent Search. Three candidates will be interviewed by the School Committee on Monday, January 10 starting at 4:00 pm at the Barnstable Adult Community Center.  The public can come to the interviews in person or can view the interviews live in the following manner:
  1. Ann Quirk, Town Clerk, has reported that she has heard back from the Secretary of State’s office, and the draft proposal of precinct lines voted on by the Town Council was accepted by the Local Election Districts Review Commission (LEDRC).  She plans to notify GIS to upload the new precinct maps.  If anyone has any questions please feel free to contact her regarding this matter.
  2. We are proceeding with the budget action calendar for FY 2023.  We have issued the Capital and Operating Budget Instructions to the departments and are preparing a proposed level of service budget in FY 2023 for Town Council consideration.  The proposed Capital Improvement Plan for FY2023 has been prepared by staff for Town Manager review.  The Town Manager shall submit on Monday, March 7, 2022 the recommended FY2023 Capital Budget to Town Council per Part VI, Section 6-5(d) of the Charter.  There are also School Committee workshops and meetings planned in January, February, and March in anticipation of the School Committees review and adoption of the FY 2023 School Department budget for FY 2023 in early April 2022.  The Town Manager plans to submit the recommended FY 2023 Town Operating Budget to the Town Council on May 10, 2022.  For information on our fiscal year budgets please view the Town’s Open Budget website at
  3. The “Property Lookup” feature on the Town website now includes the FY22 assessed valuations. Additionally, Property Record Cards have been added for every property, which combines all the sections of data offered online into one take away document. This information will assist property owners in reviewing the accuracy of their property’s features that go into determining the assessed value.
  4. We are pleased to announce that staff has completed the draft Management Plan for Long Beach Conservation Area and that the Conservation Commission will be holding a public hearing to receive public comment on the plan this Tuesday, January 11, 2022 at 3:00 pm.  Here is a link to the final report:  We will keep you advised of our progress on this Plan.
  5. The Recreation Division is proud to share an overall customer satisfaction rating of 9.8 out of 10 for the 2021 programming year.  At the end of each program session, a customer service rating form is distributed to families to help monitor, evaluate, and improve our youth programming.  Parents are asked to rank programs based on factors including quality of staff, registration process, program fee, safety of environment, and overall program organization.  Last year, over 2,100 youth participated in our Recreation programming with 56% of parents returning a completed rating form.  This continued high level of satisfaction for our youth programming speaks to the commitment, professionalism, and engagement of our staff.  We look forward to another busy and successful year of serving our community with high quality programming and expanding our program offerings where appropriate.
  6. After decades of dedication service to the Town of Barnstable, Patti Machado is retiring on January 31, 2022.  Patti’s positive impact on families who live and visit Barnstable has been felt for generations and she truly leaves Barnstable a more compassionate community.  Patti’s service to Barnstable made a positive difference for all and it has been a privilege to serve with her.
  7. Elizabeth Jenkins, Director of Planning & Development, shall provide an update on the Local Comprehensive Plan. See the presentation here.