Town Manager Communications for period the December 3-16, 2021:
- We are proceeding with the budget action calendar for FY 2023. We have issued the Capital and Operating Budget Instructions to the departments and are planning for a proposed level of service budget in FY 2023. We held our public hearing for annual fees on Tuesday, November 16, 2021 at 9:30 a.m. We accepted public comment through December 16, 2021. The calendar year 2022 rates for Community Services Department Recreation and Golf Course Division and the Department of Public Works Structures & Grounds Division Cemetery Section fees have been approved as proposed. The Town Manager’s Office Asset Management Division fees are still under advisement. For information on our fiscal year budgets please view the Town’s Open Budget website at http://budget.townofbarnstable.us.
- The Town of Barnstable anticipates receiving about 12,000 COVID test from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Barnstable was selected as 1 of 102 communities in the Commonwealth with the highest estimated percentage of families living below the poverty level. These tests are intended for that low-income population and we are poised to facilitate distribution to that population in our community. The kits are for distribution to families who otherwise may not be able to afford them. We are planning to distribute through our community partners who we have worked with on a regular basis throughout the pandemic. These partners include, but are not limited to, Barnstable Public Schools, Council on Aging, Hyannis Fire, Barnstable Housing Authority, and faith based organizations. The exact time and methods of distribution are being worked on and will be widely shared when finalized. It is the Town’s goal to distribute them as soon as they are received. (Mr. Ells reported that following his writing of the report, the kits had been received and were in the process of being distributed.)
- We are proceeding with the Local Comprehensive Plan and appointment of the Local Comprehensive Planning Committee (LCPC). On October 21, 2021 we presented a draft memorandum outlining the proposed member composition of the LCPC and the associated process and timeline to finalize the said memorandum in November 2021. We subsequently extended the comment period and plan to bring forward a modified draft of the memorandum for Town Council discussion in January 2022. We plan to post the modified draft memorandum next week (week of December 20, 2021) for public review. We hope to finalize this draft memorandum and then proceed to the Town Manager appointment and Town Council ratification of LCPC members in early 2022. Under the Cape Cod Commission Local Comprehensive Plan (LCP) Regulations, the LCPC “has primary responsibility for development of (and any amendments to) a town’s Local Comprehensive Plan.” The LCP Committee is advisory to the Town Council in the sense that once it prepares a draft Plan, it must submit that plan to the Town Council for adoption. Under the Cape Cod Commission Act the Town Manager is tasked with appointing the Committee. After the members are appointed and until the LCP is submitted to the Town Council, the LCPC appears to function more as an independent body providing regular updates to Town Council and others as they progress on this effort. Town staff would provide support to the LCPC, but not direct its work. In the event that the Town Council chooses not to adopt the recommended draft LCP, it would at that time give direction to the Committee as to changes it is looking for and send the plan back to the LCPC for modification.
- Later this evening Town Council shall consider Resolve 2022-064 directing the Town Manager to prepare and submit for Town Council consideration a proposed ordinance providing for the Town’s adoption of the “Stretch Code”. The Town of Barnstable initiated its’ “Green Team” in early 2000 in an effort to increase energy efficiency in the programs and services delivered to our community. The goals of energy efficiency in our facilities and equipment remain a fundamental part of our annual capital and operational services. As funding opportunities have become available such as ARRA capital funding for solar, wind, and mechanical systems and the Cape Light Compact funding program, Barnstable has lead the state in its implementation of energy efficient systems and facilities and continues to do so. The Resolve before Town Council later this evening focused on Barnstable receiving a Green Community Certification in the State of Massachusetts. At this time Barnstable would be required to adopt the state “Stretch Code” an energy efficiency building code. David Anthony, Director of Asset Management, and Brian Florence, Director of Inspectional Services, have reported to you on their respective efforts relative to Green Communities certification at a previous meeting and are here this evening to address any question Town Council may have relevant Resolve 2022-064. David Anthony reported out on his presentations to both the Cape Cod Gateway Airport Commission as well as the Barnstable School Committee.
- Cape Cod Gateway Airport will receive $1,015,864 as a part of the grant allocation in the recently enacted Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (IIJA). The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $15 billion for airport-related projects as defined under the existing Airport Improvement Grant criteria. $100M of which must be for grants to reduce airport emissions, reduce noise impact to the surrounding community, reduce dependence on the electrical grid, increase safety, expand capacity, or provide general benefits to the surrounding community.
- The Town of Barnstable’s Department of Public Works continues numerous construction projects throughout Town. Sign up for Enews, our Community Currents newsletter: https://barnstablewaterresources.com/news-updates/. Construction Updates can be viewed on Barnstableenews.com and on the Town’s homepage under Quick Links, Road Work Updates.
- We are pleased to announce that Deputy Building Commissioner Jeff Carter has met the qualifications, passed all of his exams and received certified by the Commonwealth as a Certified Building Official. This is a significant accomplishment involving years of experience, multiple examinations and certifications. Congratulations, Deputy Commissioner Carter.
- Dan Santos, Director of Public Works, shall provide an update on our progress on the Comprehensive Wastewater Management Plan (CWMP).