Monday, April 11, 2022 at 7:00 p.m.
Zoom Meeting ID 910 5939 5056
888 475 4499 US Toll-free
The proposal is to amend the Code of the Town of Barnstable, Part I General Ordinances, Chapter 240 zoning by repealing the zoning districts known as the “Hyannis Village Zoning Districts” and replacing them with revised and updated districts collectively known as the “Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts”.
Section 1 repeals the districts collectively known as the “Hyannis Village Zoning Districts” and replaces them with seven new districts collectively known as the “Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts” as shown on map dated January 21, 2022, and available at Town Hall and on the website, as noted below.
Section 2 amends Section 240-5 by deleting the eight “Hyannis Village Zoning Districts” and inserting in its place the seven “Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts”. The “Hyannis Parking Overlay District” is also deleted.
Section 3 amends Article III District Regulations to repeal Sections 240-24.1 through 240-24.1.13 and replaces them with new sections 240-24.1.1 through 240-24.1.13.
The following new sections are proposed to be incorporated with the proposed zoning amendment:
- Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts, Title & General Provisions to establish the name, title, applicability and permitting authority for the proposed Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts.
- Definitions to provide defined words, phrases and terms applicable for real property within the Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts.
- Standards for all Districts to establish building standards, use provisions, parking standards and minimum required accessory parking spaces and site standards applicable to all seven Downtown Hyannis Zoning Districts.
- Standards for each of the seven proposed zoning districts including Downtown Main Street District (DMS), Downtown Village District (DV), Downtown Neighborhood District (DN), Downtown Hospital District (DH), Hyannis Harbor District (HH), Transportation Center District (TC), and Highway Commercial District (HC) to provide detailed provisions for each zoning district including the intent of each district and standards for lots, buildings, uses and sites customized for each specific district.
- Tables to provide a summary table of dimensional standards for all of the seven proposed zoning districts and standards for frontage types and building components.
The purpose of the proposed zoning amendment includes but is not limited to updating the zoning in Downtown Hyannis is to address housing goals, including increasing housing supply and diversity in areas with infrastructure and community activity and away from open spaces and areas with critical natural resource value; improve the urban fabric of downtown Hyannis in a manner consistent with its historic and maritime character and existing development patterns; improving the ease of use of the zoning ordinance for the public and for businesses and developers; and encouraging housing production and mixed use development at human-scale density, and create predictable outcomes in urban form.
You can submit comments on this item to the Planning Board in the following ways:
- Attend the Planning Board meeting on April 11, 2022 at 7 p.m. via Zoom (Meeting ID 910 5939 5056) and speak at the public hearing (via telephone or Zoom);
- Submit comments via email to Planning & Development staff, Karen Herrand, at
- Submit comments in writing to: Town of Barnstable Planning Board, ATTN: Karen Herrand, 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601
If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director of Planning & Development:
Phone: 508-862-4678