On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, Vineyard Wind confirmed that pieces of foam collected on Hyannisport beaches, and which were reported through the Vineyard Wind Debris Reporting Hotline, are from the damaged Vineyard Wind turbine blade.

The Town of Barnstable would like to remind the public that Vineyard Wind is responsible for collecting and removing any/all related debris, and only trained Vineyard Wind employees and/or Vineyard Wind contractors should handle debris.

  • DO NOT put any debris in your home garbage for collection.
  • DO NOT bring the debris to the Barnstable Transfer Station.
  • DO notify the Vineyard Wind Reporting Hotline directly and immediately if you identify debris so they can remove it for analysis and proper disposal.

Any debris identified in the water or along Barnstable shorelines should be reported directly to Vineyard Wind’s Debris Reporting Hotline at 781-831-1134 to allow assigned crews to manage the proper recovery and clean-up of debris. This phone number is intended to provide improved and quicker service.

You can also report debris online: https://vineyardwind1.ethicspoint.com.

This page has updated information on GE blade debris recovery: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a2eae32be42d64ed467f9d1/t/66c34ee905701608834f7dde/1724075756193/Updated_Blade Incident – Guidance for Communities_Final.pdf