Congratulations and best wishes to Recreation Director Patti Machado on her retirement.
After decades of dedication service to the Town of Barnstable, Patti Machado is retiring on January 31, 2022. Patti’s positive impact on families who live and visit Barnstable has been felt for generations and she truly leaves Barnstable a more compassionate community. Patti’s service to Barnstable made a positive difference for all and it has been a privilege to serve with her.
Patti’s 45 years of service to the Town of Barnstable began with a variety of seasonal positions including lifeguard and she worked her way up to Recreation Director. The Town of Barnstable has been blessed that Patti chose to serve here. Her impact on countless youth continues to ripple throughout our community today.
Thank you for your service to the Town of Barnstable and enjoy your wellearned retirement, Patti