On September 2, 2021 at 7:00 PM the Town Council will hold a public hearing on a proposed zoning amendment: to add a Mixed-Use Sub Zone to the Medical Services Overlay District. A Legal Advertisement for this proposal is posted in the Barnstable Patriot today. Proposed text, maps, and other supporting information can be found on the Planning Board website. Please find details for joining the public hearing below:

Town of Barnstable
Town Council
Public Hearing on Item No. 2022-007
Mixed-Use Sub Zone of the Medical Services Overlay District Thursday, September 2, 2021 at 7:00 p.m.
Zoom Meeting ID 988 3174 1018 https://zoom.us/j/98831741018
888 475 4499 US Toll-free

The proposed zoning amendment would add a new zoning overlay district, Chapter 240, Section 38.1 Mixed-Use Sub Zone of the Medical Services Overlay District. The proposed overlay district provides flexibility within the Sub Zone to permit development and relocation of medical and healthcare services together with commercial, retail and residential uses. The location of the proposed overlay district is Wilkens Lane and Kidd’s Hill Road in Barnstable. The property is primarily zoned IND Industrial District, MSOD Medical Services Overlay District, and is within the GP Groundwater Protection and WP Wellhead Protection Overlay Districts. Multifamily residential development is a use permitted in the IND Industrial District. The proposed zoning overlay modifies the bulk and dimensional standards applicable to this use to allow housing development at a greater density than currently permitted. Maximum allowable building height is increased to four stories (not to exceed 55 feet). Parking requirements are reduced for multifamily, retail and medical uses. Uses not already permitted in the IND orMSOD, or additional multifamily development not currently contemplated (beyond 1000’ of Kidd’s Hill Road) will require a Special Permit. The Planning Board held a duly noticed public on the proposed amendment on August 9, 2021. After public comment, the Planning Board unanimously voted to affirmatively recommend the proposed Mixed-Use Sub Zone as written, with the inclusion of the two additional parcels located at 75 and 80 Perseverance Way, to Town Council.

You can submit comments on this item to the Town Council in the following ways:
 Attend the Town Council meeting on September 2, 2021 at 7 p.m. via Zoom (Meeting ID 988 3174 1018)

and speak at the public hearing (via telephone or Zoom);
 Submit comments via email to Town Council staff, Cindy Lovell, at


 Submit comments in writing to: Town of Barnstable Town Council, ATTN: Cindy Lovell, 367 Main Street, Hyannis MA 02601

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Jenkins, AICP, Director of Planning & Development: Phone: 508-862-4678
Email: elizabeth.jenkins@town.barnstable.ma.us