The following is an update on the Local Comprehensive Plan.
In accordance with the Final Memorandum to the Town Council on Establishment and Appointments to the Local Comprehensive Planning Committee (LCPC), a process was conducted by the Town Manager that produced anticipated appointments to the LCPC, to be forwarded to the Town Council for ratification. A vote to ratify the appointments is on the Town Council agenda later this evening.
2. We are proceeding with the budget preparation for FY 2023 as per the budget action calendar. The public hearings on the proposed FY 2023 Capital Improvement Program will continue later this evening. We have finalized the proposed FY2023 Operating Budget and plan to submit the operating budget and the Comprehensive Financial Advisory Committee’s (CFAC) Report to Town Council on May 10, 2022 with a first reading of the FY 2023 Operating Budget at the May 19, 2022 Town Council meeting. For information on our fiscal year budgets, please view the Town’s Open Budget website at
3. Construction schedule occurring throughout Barnstable. Please check our website at Roadwork Notices | Barnstable eNews for up to date road work occurring in Barnstable. In my last Town Manager report to Town Council, DPW reported on the following:
a. Sewer and utility work on Craigville Beach Road is anticipated to be completed by Memorial Day.
b. Sewer and utility work will continue on Strawberry Hill Road through June 24
c. Sewer construction will occur on a portion of Wequaquet Lane in July and August
d. Duct bank installation in July and August at night only at intersection of Route 132 and Phinney’s Lane is pending approval with MassDOT
e. Construction on Phinney’s Lane will commence after Labor Day
The Town of Barnstable Office of Town Manager 367 Main Street, Hyannis, MA 02601 Office: 508.862.4610 Fax: 508.790.6226 www.townofbarnstable. us Citizens’ Resource Line: 508.862.4925 Mark S. Ells, Town Manager M. Andy Clyburn, Assistant Town Manager
4. We continue to have regular conversations with Vineyard Wind (Phase I ongoing project). The Phase I Covell’s Beach parking lot activity is coming to a close for the upcoming summer season and following this work the parking lot will be restored and ready for the families and visitors that enjoy the beach this summer.
5. At the March 17, 2022 Town Council meeting we received an update from the project team for Phases 2 & 3 relevant to those two respective projects. We have finalized the Host Community Agreement for the Phase 2 project (Park City Wind) as authorized by Town Council as that project proceeds with its permitting phase. Legal is preparing the additional action for Town Council consideration in the near future relative to the Phase 2 landing at Craigville Beach.
They are as follows:
a. Approval for Change of Purpose to Allow for Easement Grant;
b. Authorization for Petition to Legislature for Article 97 Approval to allow for grant easement by the Town and
c. Grant of easement in landing and crossing (Craigville Beach).
6. We continue discussions regarding a proposed Phase 3 (Commonwealth Wind) landing of cable in Barnstable. At the presentation on March 17, 2022 the proposed landing locations for cable in Osterville were shared with the Town Council. To date I have only had discussions with Commonwealth Wind (Phase 3) project representatives but have not commenced negotiations of a Host Community Agreement and shall not do so until authorized by Town Council. I do anticipate bringing a Resolve to Town Council in the near future requesting authorization for the Town Manager to enter into negotiations regarding a Phase 3 Host Community Agreement. Commonwealth Wind has filed a request with the Conservation Commission for preliminary geotechnical work pertaining to assessing the potential routes of the Phase 3 cable. The work is scheduled to take place in May and if needed in June 2022. Similar geotechnical work was conducted in Phases 1 and 2. We will keep you advised of our progress on this matter.
7. At the invitation of Representative Kip Diggs, members of the Barnstable Youth Commission, accompanied by Community Services Director Madeline Noonan, Recreation Director John Gleason, and Youth & Family Outreach Coordinator Moriah Becal, visited the Massachusetts State House on Wednesday, May 4th. Rep Diggs and State Senator Julian Cyr led the group on a tour of the State House, sharing its storied history and engaging with Youth Commission members in a stimulating discussion on local and state politics followed by a Q&A session in the Senate Chambers that covered a wide-range of topics. The group also had the opportunity to thank Rep Diggs for the $60,000 state ARPA grant he recently secured to fund the important initiatives of the Youth Commission. Thank you to Rep Diggs and Senator Cyr for this valuable and meaningful experience to inform our youth about the importance of civic engagement and for encouraging them to use their voices to advocate for change on issues that impact them and our entire community.